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How To Repost Blog Articles To Build Back Links

How To Repost Blog Articles is a question that I get asked a lot. The concept of reposting is not that hard, it just takes time and some planning. This article will show you 3 steps on how you can post your favorite blog posts. Follow these tips and you’ll have more traffic than you know what to do with!

How To Repost Blog Articles

What’s the difference between posting your blog content and regular posting? Well, as you know, Google loves to index new blog content. That’s why you see “fresh” posts at the top of the SERPs (search engines results) all the time. When someone searches for a particular topic, most likely they are going to find fresh and new content that is still relevant to their search. And if you already have content on your blog that was written months ago, then you’ve just got to post it.

If your blog has lots of older posts, then your first step in how to post blog articles is to remove the older posts first. You want to make sure that the search engines see your newer posts first because the older ones will be buried deep in the search engines listings. Google really doesn’t care how long old your posts are, they just want the newest, freshest content. So all you need to do is remove the older posts first before you start posting the new ones.

Now that you’ve removed the older posts from your blog, it’s time to start planning where to put the new posts that you’ve found. Since you’re just starting out fresh with your blog, you may not know where to start. One of the best ideas is to look through your archive box for an idea or two.

A great way to get backlinks to your blog is by using a post wheel. This is a wheel design that can be found all over the internet. It’s a simple idea, but it can give you amazing results. All you need to do is find an article in your niche that was written by a leading blogger in your niche and then repost the article as many times as possible. If you’re lucky, the blog owner might even allow you to have the resource box at the end of your posted article.

How To Repost Blog Articles

You can also create a series of articles, publish them all on your blog, and then sit back and wait for the search engines to pick up on the backlinks. The more blog articles you publish, the more backlinks you’ll receive. You could also ask other bloggers for backlinks, or offer to give them backlinks in exchange for some comments on their own blogs. This way, you’ll get both free advertising as well as backlinks to your website.

You may find that you get many more backlinks than you expected. This is actually a good thing. You need to take the time to evaluate how useful your content really is to the reader. If you post articles that are useless to the reader, you won’t get much benefit from your efforts. You should also make sure that you submit the right kinds of articles for the different categories that you are in. Many bloggers these days are adding a variety of categories, so make the effort to choose one and stick with it.

Once you have your backlinks established, it’s time to promote them. Try to leave comments on the articles that you’ve posted with a link to your website or mention the name of the article in your signature file. This is how to post blog articles so effectively.
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