How Many Blog Posts Per Week?
How Many Blog Posts Per Week: One of the most important factors that can lead to a better internet marketing campaign is to know how many blog posts you should be publishing on a consistent basis. The number of blog posts that you should be making depends largely on the keywords that you have chosen to use as well as the theme that you are developing for your website. When you are first starting out, it can take a bit of time and effort to figure out how many blog articles you should be making and how often, but this is an important part of any successful internet marketing campaign.
If you are not getting the amount of website traffic that you hoped for, then you may want to alter the keywords that you are using in order to improve your search engine rankings. Even if you are not getting the traffic that you are hoping for, you may still be generating a lot of free traffic from people who find your articles interesting and they will be more than willing to pass on the word about your blog to their friends.
Once you have figured out how many blog posts you should be making, you need to establish a blogging tipping point so that you do not over perform with your content creation efforts. A blogging tipping point is simply a point at which you create enough new content so that you start to look like a legitimate website. You do not want to look like a spam site or a blog that is just setting up shop and taking all of your traffic. You want to establish a level of content creation so that you look like a respected authority site that people trust. This allows you to build the credibility that people feel when they see your blog posts and actually makes them want to visit your site over again because they feel that you are offering them quality content.
How Many Blog Posts Per Week?
How many blog posts can you publish in a given week? This is yet another important question that you need to answer for yourself so that you can determine how many blog posts you should be creating on a weekly basis. The trick is to publish more blog posts than you can handle in a given week and then figure out how many of those blog posts are going to be ranked in the search engines within a certain time frame. Once you know how many blog posts have to go out in a given time frame, you will be able to determine how many exponential traffic growth you are experiencing because you are creating a lot more blog posts than you can handle and this multiplies your website traffic exponentially.
How is consistent publishing frequency important? Consistency in blogging is what keeps you in business. If you are not consistently publishing new blog articles every week, then you are not going to get very far in this business. Once you have established yourself with your blogging habits by being consistent with your publication schedule, you will be able to turn that consistent publishing frequency into exponential website traffic. This is what is truly going to draw you in as an authority in this field and you will not have any trouble doing it.
The first step that you need to take to get to that next tipping point for exponential website traffic growth is to establish yourself in the online community as an expert in this particular subject matter. Create content in your niche that people want to read and then invite them to your blog for questions and to voice your opinion on the topic. It really does not matter what you write about or who you write for, as long as there is an audience that is interested and willing to share their thoughts on the topic, you are on your way to getting a healthy dose of blogging traffic to your website.
The next step for you to take when it comes to exponential website traffic growth is to start inviting some of your friends to write blog articles for you. You can use a simple link exchange system where you give them your link for free and they give you their link in return, which means that you get free publicity as well as website traffic from your friends. This can easily add up over time and you may even find yourself writing more than you normally do simply because you are receiving so many backlinks from others that are interested in your particular topic.
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